Simplifying Your Requirements Management Process
See how Oracle Product Lifecycle Management Cloud can simplify your requirements management process in your role, industry, or business initiative.
Connected Service
The digital future of manufacturing isn’t just going to be shaped by the powerful technologies in your factories and supply chain.
Connected Value Chain
Today's most successful manufacturers are highly connected. Most importantly, they connect every single part of their value chains and view the value chain as a single connected experience.
Digital Manufacturing
Welcome to the Smart Connected Factory of the future.
Smart and Connected Value Chain
Today's most successful manufacturers are highly connected. Most importantly, they connect every single part of their value chains and view the value chain as a single connected experience.
Hackathon Guatemala: Evento con metodología de aprendizaje
Equipos multidisciplinarios trabajaron para idear, colaborar, diseñar prototipos, presentando una solución a un problemática propuesta por el Intenet de las Cosas y analizaron la información sobre la tecnología Cloud Business Intelligence.
Andiamo obtiene mejores resultados con Simphony Cloud
Andiamo, una cadena de Restaurantes Italianos, actualiza su Punto de Venta a Simphony Cloud de Oracle Hospitality, para poder mejorar la experiencia del cliente, los reportes y el control de inventarios
Andiamo Achieves Superior Performance with Simphony Cloud
Andiamo, a family-run Italian restaurant chain, upgraded to Simphony Cloud POS from Oracle Hospitality and made significant improvements to their guest experience, reporting and analytics, and inventory management.