Relayr: Manufacturers Focused on IoT Are Missing the Point
Relayr's Gunnet Bedi thinks manufacturers should focus more on business outcomes than IoT platforms and infrastructure. Find out where Relayr sees the biggest commercial opportunities for generating return on assets and return on investment.
连接上云 数字时代的现代化制造 与 IoT价值链
如何比竞争对手更快的上市新产品? 如何应对不断上升的供应链成本? 如何满足客户要求更快、更准时、更个性化的交付? 如何解决全球化运作和多工厂运作中日益增加的复杂性?
云时代下财务管理如何敏捷高效 高速发展
云时代下,企业想要在行业里站稳脚跟,就必须想办法去提高自身的应变能力。企业如何通过敏捷企业财务管理来实现公司的高速发展? Oracle ERP云方案总监沈毅先生将为你展开深度探讨。
Make vs. Buy: Insprage on Driving Customer Value from IoT
Inspirage's Executive Vice President, Navneet Goel, explains the value of a well-tested, well-orchestrated approach to driving customer value from IoT.
Concentrix Drives Better Connected Car CX with Oracle Cloud
Concentrix got a head start when it picked Oracle IoT and CX Clouds to deliver a better connected car experience to consumers.
Las Alitas aumenta la productividad con ERP Cloud
Selene Arregoitia, Subdirector de Transformación de Procesos, Las Alitas, comparte la visión del proceso de decisión que impacto el proceso de decisión a favor de Oracle ERP Cloud sobre SAP y Epicor.
Las Alitas Increases Productivity with Oracle ERP Cloud
Selene Arregoitia, Transformation Processes Manager, Las Alitas, shares insight into the decision process through which Oracle ERP Cloud was chosen over SAP and Epicor.
American Well Simplifies Scaling with Oracle ERP Cloud
American Well connects the doctor and the patient in a virtual way. Hear how American Well is using Oracle ERP Cloud to make more actionable decisions, achieve greater efficiencies, and successfully manage their exponential growth.
BlocPower: Fighting Climate Change with IoT & Data
BlocPower is at the forefront of battling climate change. BlocPower is helping cities keep their commitments to emissions reduction with an IoT-enabled platform that converts entire city blocks into smart buildings.
Genpact Creates Value for Customers with Oracle Cloud
Learn how Genpact is using Oracle BI Cloud and EPM Cloud to deliver value to its customers.
Silbury: Move Focus from Cost to Capability
Silbury uses Oracle Java Cloud to reduce a client’s annual IT costs by 33% and to focus more on modern marketing capabilities and features.
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